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All the necessary materials to begin your FUNTIMES 


'...and the horse you rode in on'

A comedic and emotional crime story about a young, unstable hacktivist/satirist entombed in a federal prison. Truth unravels as he continues to troll the DOJ from inside their investigation into his large-scale government security breach. With his mother, the  DOJ and his former hacking cohorts negotiating his fate, the joking must reach its punchline before his chance at a future runs out.  
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'Our   own'

A dramatic family thriller about a middle-aged suburban couple, betrayed by their own sense of security, must decide if they will defy the FBI and  use a hacker to secure their abducted daughter. Family, privilege and and the value of American stories all battle for stake in a twisting story of desperate parental love. [5 Characters]

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'Gamerz, or; 

For Sad Dudes Who’ve Considered The Internet When A Shadow Is Enough'

A brash, increasingly tightening drama in which a moment of online smack-talk conflates into the targeted harassment of a young queer couple, one of whom is about to go on tour with her heavy metal band. As the threats become more real, the couple find their futures, and their relationship, in the crosshairs. When the police and FBI both reveal their respectively limited ability to help, it is up to a rogue FBI contractor and the couple to protect themselves. [10 Characters]

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'The  [        ]'

A romance trapped in a horror story. A couple who should be planning their wedding try their best to put their respectively intense careers as an FBI operations manager and a DOJ prosecutor aside,  when one is given a new case. The level of secrecy required causes the concept of ‘redaction’ to take over his every conversation ...and soon the play itself begins to omit, block and redact the performance of the lead actor and the story that should be taking place. [2-3 Characters]

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'To Kill A Motherboard'

The culmination of the series is a cathartic cat-and-mouse thriller that sees our previous characters  unite to stop a potential major travesty, hopefully reconciling enough of  their interwoven history  to save lives. The play is contextualized by an opening ‘diss track’ as title page, as well as the use of Augusto Boal’s ‘Simultaneous Dramaturgy’ to draw the play’s— and cycle’s— larger motifs of freedom and humanity into a very real and local conflict to the place of the performance, turning every theater into a community theater,  with the resolution of the play and cycle itself, by none other than the young man who announced these FunTImes.  COMING SOON!

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